lundi 21 juillet 2014

POPPIN ??? So what is it ?? Get The answer

Popping Dance ??

Popping is a street dance and one of the original styles of fear that came from California in the 1960s and 1970s. Was based on the technique of quickly contracting and relaxing muscles to cause a jerk in the dancer's

This type of dance can be done in many different styles and with many different movements. The animation is a guy who imitates cartoons stop with jerky movements, creating the illusion that the dancers move per box. Boogaloo is a fluid technical dancers use to create the illusion that their body does not have bones. Boppers isolate pulls and pops his chest, while Crazy Legs is a technique that focuses on the legs.

Fast forward, slow motion and marking involve large variations in the speed of the dance. Stroboscopic effect recreates visual effects of a strobe light on the dancer. Fluid movements create the illusion that the body is composed of liquid, while the puppet is designed to imitate a puppet. Here are some of the many styles and movements that extend to appear, and poppers can combine a number of styles and movements
while dancing

this Of the best Poppin Dancer enjoy !!!! :D

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