Poppingis astreet danceandone of the originalstylesof fear thatcame fromCalifornia in the1960s and 1970s.Wasbased on the techniqueofquicklycontractingandrelaxing musclesto causea jerkinthe dancer's
This type of dancecan be donein manydifferent styles and withmany differentmovements.The animation isa guy whoimitatescartoonsstopwith jerkymovements,creating the illusion thatthedancers moveper box.Boogaloois afluidtechnicaldancers useto create the illusionthat theirbody does nothavebones.Boppersisolatepulls andpopshis chest,whileCrazy Legsis a technique thatfocuseson the legs.
Fast forward,slow motionandmarkinginvolve largevariationsinthe speed of thedance.Stroboscopic effectrecreates visualeffects of astrobe lightonthe dancer.Fluid movementscreate the illusion thatthe body is composedof liquid,while thepuppet isdesigned to imitatea puppet.Here are someof the many stylesand movements thatextendto appear,andpopperscancombine a numberof styles andmovementswhile dancing
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